

My wife and I spent a recent weekend camping at Solitude Farmz in upstate New York. We spent time watching the wind create a burst of ripples on a smooth as glass pond, a swallow snaring a dragonfly in midair, and we heard the creaks of the upper tree canopy in the wind and the evening

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Say Yes

We purchased a camper. This has been discussed and on our list for a while now. However, there are plenty of things on that list which represent a significant budgetary expenditure. It came down to either a new camper or remodel the bathroom, which has been on the list for about 20 years. We would

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This blog has reached a milestone. I launched the Coach Mahr blog 4 years ago with my initial posts on May 7, 2017. My most recent post, The Grill Will Let Go of the Protein, was my 150th distinct post. I am amazed that the blog has reached this level. The cumulative blogs total at

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A Hungry Heart

Bruce Springsteen wrote the song “A Hungry Heart” for the rock band The Ramones to record, but his producer encouraged him to record it himself. Although Born to Run was a big album 5 years earlier, this was Springsteen’s first Top 10 hit. Springsteen’s songs are usually about wanting to get away, however in this

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Think Forward

In my most recent blog, Pass the Baton, I talk about how critical it is that both runners in a relay race be moving forward. We also need to ‘think forward.’ One of my favorite scenes from ‘The Lion King’ is where Rafiki hits Simba in the head with his stick.  Simba says, “Hey, what

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This blog’s inspiration was the poem ‘I Wish You Enough’ that I have had in my files for over a dozen years. I believe I first read it in Chicken Soup for the Soul. I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more. I

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Spirituality of Coping

“Let’s play well the hand we have been dealt” has become my rallying cry these days. This is my mindset to the ever-evolving situation that exists today. Maya Angelou said it well, “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” Building from

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Tree Analogy

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to speak at a dinner honoring the man who was the Head Football Coach when I was recruited to attend college. It was an honor to speak, more so because of who he is as a man and how I relate to him today. He was the head

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