
Hierarchical and Collegial

I am in the midst of a 15-week course studying the theology and teaching of the Second Vatican Council held from 1962 to 1965. We started the course by looking at the state of the Church in the decades preceding the Second Vatican Council. It was there that I heard the expression “Hierarchical and Collegial.” […]

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The season between Thanksgiving and Christmas is Advent, the purpose of this season is preparation. It is a period of spiritual preparation for the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Advent is a season of prayer, fasting, and repentance, followed by anticipation and joy. The word advent comes from the Latin term adventus meaning “coming,”

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Timing is Everything

If I can hold a door open for someone, I always do. I learned that at a young age from my Dad. When people say thanks, I often answer, “timing is everything” as they happened to be in the right place at the right time for the gesture to be made. Timing is that innate

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It Can Always Be Worse

I have used the line, “it can always be worse,” many times in my life. I use it to gain perspective on my current reality. To me, it helps recalibrate what is truly happening around me and allows me to make the intentional choice to accept my situation. Currently, I am in a tough place

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I remember going to a hockey game with my Dad back when the Mario Lemieux led Penguins were rolling. My memory is that it was a great game and a wonderful evening. However, what is etched in my mind is that when we stepped outside the Civic Arena there was a blizzard with five inches

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Different Not Better

I was part of a research exercise in my company where we broke into groups to read a specific business book recommended to our leadership team. As a result, I read the book, Play Bigger (a very worthwhile read) and a big takeaway is that to make a leap of success, one should focus on

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